+36 1 279 2760     iti.titkarsag@abtk.hu

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80 members

Search criteria

tudományos segédmunkatárs; Lendület kutatócsoport
(36 1) 279 2774
assistant research fellow
(36 1) 279 2774
tudományos segédmunkatárs
Renaissance Section
(36 1) 279 2775
assistant research fellow
Renaissance Section
(36 1) 279 2775
tudományos segédmunkatárs
DigiPhil Group
(36 1) 279 2762
assistant research fellow
DigiPhil Group
(36 1) 279 2762
tudományos főmunkatárs
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2779
senior research fellow
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2779
tudományos főmunkatárs
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2768
senior research fellow
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2768
tudományos segédmunkatárs
Central and Eastern European Section
(36 1) 279 2763
assistant research fellow
Central and Eastern European Section
(36 1) 279 2763
tudományos tanácsadó
Section of Literary Theory
(36 1) 279 2760
scientific advisor
Section of Literary Theory
(36 1) 279 2760
tudományos főmunkatárs
18th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2773
senior research fellow
18th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2773
DigiPhil Group
(36 1) 279 2762
assistant research fellow
DigiPhil Group
(36 1) 279 2762
tudományos főmunkatárs, osztályvezető
19th-Century Section, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2768
senior research fellow, head of department
19th-Century Section, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2768
tudományos segédmunkatárs
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
assistant research fellow
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
tudományos munkatárs
Central and Eastern European Section, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2763
research fellow
Central and Eastern European Section, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2763
tudományos segédmunkatárs, az intézet tudományos titkára
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
assistant research fellow, scientific secretary
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
tudományos tanácsadó, osztályvezető, igazgatóhelyettes
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
scientific advisor, head of department
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature
(36 1) 279 2779
ny. tudományos főmunkatárs, külügyi titkár
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2779
ret. senior research fellow, secretary of foreign affairs
Section of Modern Hungarian Literature, Helikon
(36 1) 279 2779
tudományos tanácsadó, igazgató, osztályvezető, az MTA rendes tagja
Renaissance Section, Publications on Literary History
(36 1) 279 2776
scientific advisor, director, head of department
Renaissance Section, Publications on Literary History
(36 1) 279 2776
tudományos főmunkatárs
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2764
senior research fellow
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2764
prof. emeritus, tudományos tanácsadó
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2764
prof. emeritus, scientific advisor
19th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2764
tudományos munkatárs
Section of Literary Theory
(36 1) 279 2777
research fellow
Section of Literary Theory
(36 1) 279 2777
tudományos főmunkatárs
18th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2773
senior research fellow
18th-Century Section
(36 1) 279 2773